Here you have a bird and a reminder to laugh and wish...
Here we have a close up of the above sculpted and hammered bird...
Here we have a cat with his back turned... he's about the size of an ATC, suitable for framing...

Are you amazed by my metal working skills? You had NO IDEA I could do this? Settle down kids, it all an illusion. It's Fake, It's Faux. It's my attempt at making copper/bronze art out of polymer clay. Yep, it's all polymer clay.
I used scrap clay and mixed up a very nice dark green. Then I either sculpted, rubber stamped, or cut with an exacto knife the main image. I then used metallic powders in gold, copper and silver. It was all experimental but turned out to be lots of fun.
After having all this fun with polymer clay, I thought I needed to paint something. So I got out my paints and canvas boards and tried all week to think outside of my usual box, to do something artsy, but it just wasn't much fun. I felt frustrated and not talented and that is NOT why I do art. So I put away the paints and cleaned up the art table and got out my clay again. My sister reminds me that polymer clay is what I always run back to if I've got a creative block.
What do you do when your creative juices are evaporating from the heat? Do you sit back and wait? Do you find inspiration in some of the thousands of books and magazines that we all have? Do you sort through buttons or fabrics? What is your favorite way to get back in your own personal groove? Inquiring minds want to know.
Well, that's it for today. Hope you like my faux metal work. Try to stay cool and happy. Kiss your loved ones and dance a jig.