Saturday, April 22, 2017

Let's talk about alcohol ink

Just thought I would stop in a make a quick post.  I used to post so very regularly on my blog and some of my long time friends have been with me since the beginning ten years ago. As we all know life happens and things change and blogs make way for social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram and our blog sometimes gets neglected.

Poor little blog, I apologize.  I HAVE neglected you over the past several years. I am an artist and for the past almost five years I have been painting, drawing, making jewelry and such and that takes time away from blogging. You understand...

After my husband died, I spent the first year remodeling my home and created an awesome art studio with walls full of windows and cabinets. I have a sitting area with a television and of course the capability of having music available if I want it.  I do spend a lot of time in the studio and this year I have been playing around with abstract painting. Ten years ago I took early retirement and this gives me plenty of time to have hobbies and live out the remainder of my time on this planet in a pleasant and contented fashion.

I grew up watching television. I still love watching television and now that I can stream programs from sites like Netflix and Youtube directly to my Smart TV, well I love it and I do spend quite a bit of time watching my favorite shows.

This time last year I had just gotten out of the hospital with a bacterial infection of the intestinal type and it really took me longer to recover from than I expected. A year later and I am still slower than before.

This year I am dealing with the discomfort and pain of a hateful condition that is usually diagnosed as Frozen Shoulder. Combine that with fibromalgia that I know I have, but my family doctor refuses to diagnose, and I find most mornings I wake up stiff and sore and it takes sometimes up to two hours to feel like doing anything.  These conditions make it very hard to be motivated to work out, as it hurts to move and I have had to deal with gradual weight gain.  Oh, woe is me. I have such a tough life.

Not really...I don't have a tough life, I have LIFE and life usually includes aches and pains, and sadness and joy. As long as I can still wake up every morning to experience this thing called life, I'm totally happy.

Lately I have been trying to learn how to do videos of art instruction, or just my thoughts on art and life and posting to my Facebook.  I know there must be a more user friendly way to accomplish this.

I hope this video showed up correctly. Please let me know if you want a link to my FB art page or my YouTube channel.

Till then, have fun making art...