And a casual Christmas portrait from several years ago...
All our family visits are over, our shopping is done, our treats are consumed...and it still only Christmas Eve.
We ventured out today to get, of all things, a new toilet seat. While we were there, I picked up a pack of kitchen towels. Yep, that's it. That's what we got each other for Christmas. We usually buy what we need throughout the year, so a gift specifically for Dec. 25 just hasn't been a big deal for us for quite some time.
We celebrate our faith in, and love of, Christ everyday and since we don't have small children visiting, there is no need for a great deal of decorating or thoughts of Santa. With this being said, I would like to wish all my friends Merry Christmas and pray that you are healthy and happy.
Since you did stop by, I'd like you to stay...
Stay safe and warm and be careful of the winter storms that will be making themselves known this week. Most of all stay true to yourself and don't forget to stay creative.
Merry Christmas to All
Personally I think a new toilet seat is a marvelous gift to receive at any time of the year. New kitchen towels are always appreciated at my home! I agree with you about the specific gifts for Christmas...Peg and I generally give each other things throughout the year as well..Hope your weather is acceptable and you and DH are warm and happy. Here in Southern CA we are safe from the really severe winter storms hitting elsewhere, but we have to deal with traffic a bit heavier than I will add, stay safe on the roads! Merry Christmas!
Stay happy, and thank you for stepping into my world. You are a treasure! Merry Christmas!
Love that painting, Peachy. You guys are to cute too.
A new toilet seat is right up my alley. I always prefer practical.
As far as hubs and I exchanging gifts for Christmas, we don't either. But with the soon to arrive furbaby Stella, this year is different. ♥
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