Friday, November 7, 2014

Went to Savannah

My girlfriends and I went to Savannah this week.  I wanted to get away and we thought about going back to California, but I had just been last month and wasn't ready for another flight across country.  Then we thought about visiting Mall of America, but once again, so much time in the air and airports.

Then we started thinking of places within driving distance.  Driving the past, for me, a road trip usually meant a distance of no more that three hours and it involved packing up all the comforts of home, in case the hotel didn't have exactly what we were used to. This was different. They convinced me that we would travel light, they would do the driving so I could relax and a good time would be had by all.  So we then started thinking about places within driving distance that I had never seen.  Been to Myrtle Beach, been to Florida, BUT I had only just driven through Georgia, never stopped to see the sights and I had always wondered what the big deal was about Savannah and the old homes and the trees with moss.  Savannah it is.  One of the girls had spent a year in Hinesville when she and her ex were stationed there for the military.  She knew her way around and could handle any traffic we encountered.

We left early Monday morning and got there around 4:00 pm.  We made only one stop for gas and fast food.

The first place we hit when we got there was Walmart for some items we forgot, because we packed in such a hurry.  Then we went back to the hotel to put our suits on and go to the indoor pool.  The room that held the pool and spa was somewhat smallish and the smell of the chlorine was too much for me.  We sat in the hot tub for just a few minutes, then wrapped towels around us to go back upstairs.  Much to my discomfort, there was a man in the elevator and it was only one floor, but I didn't want a strange man to see me in a towel and a cover up.  After we got out on our floor, they said "OMG, did you see him checking you out?"  Of course I didn't believe it.  I'm over 50, a size sixteen and I don't color my hair.  Why would anyone be checking me out?  My self esteem has never been the best and well, let's just say right now I do not want to even think about a guy checking me out.  So I laughed about it.

We go back to the room, changed our clothes and get ready to go to dinner.  As I walk around the hotel to the car, I noticed we had parked in front of the gym that the guests use.  What do we see through the huge windows, but another guy checking me out (the girls were already in the car and were watching him).  Not only was he staring at me, but as I got in the car he made a licking motion with his tongue.  For heaven's sake, what is wrong with some people?  This is a nice hotel, but perhaps there was a lonely man convention going on. It's not like we were staying in a roach motel, full of pervs.  I didn't know what to think.

Well, we went to Applebys for dinner, laughed and talked some, then back to the room to relax and watch television.  Just getting away, having someone do all the driving really was nice.  As we were going back through the lobby of the hotel, who do we see in the lounge but "elevator guy".  He was sitting at the bar and almost fell off of his chair looking at me. This time it was obvious that it was me he was looking at.  I just shook my head.

I don't want to "paint all men with the same brush", but I'm guessing that there are some men out there that just love women.  They don't care if they are a bit overweight.  They don't care if they don't look like Barbie dolls.  Maybe these same guys that were checking me out, always did this.  In the words of one of the girls "whatever".

While were were on the trip I did take a few pictures, my heart just wasn't in it,  but I'll save them for another post.

In the meantime, I'm back home, making some changes and forgiving myself for not knowing what was actually going on. I know someone who proudly admits to "fighting dirty". I realize that I didn't really know what that meant. It means doing whatever it takes to save yourself and not just in a bar fight. I know now. I'm not used to being around liars, and guess I missed all the signals. I am now much wiser.  I shook myself off and said a prayer.  A prayer for all those that are hurting right now and a prayer of thanks for  finding myself in a certain situation.  A situation that may have actually been a "blessing in disguise".

I'm still very disappointed in the way it happened and the fact that, again, I don't get closure of saying good-bye, but I've been through a lot worse than this and I bounce back.  I always do.


Peri said...

Great post! Glad you gals had a good time. Got to watch out for those elevator guys...they really are everywhere. Sort of sad because the lonely guys just don't quite "get it" and make stupid gestures, thinking it is "sexy". But like your friends say, "whatever".
I am right there with you on understanding "fighting dirty". But I figure better to be disappointed than to end up in a "tricky situation" for being too trusting.
Welcome to the Bounce-back Club, Second Level!
Glad y'all got home safely!

Unknown said...

Hi Susan, getting out of town sure does put a different perspective on things huh? Fun to get away but always great to get back home!

kathyj333 said...

Hey Susan, I hope you get through the tough parts. Life throws us so many curves. I'm glad you took the opportunity to get away. I'm not sure what you're putting behind you, but it sounds like you have some wonderful friends.

BTW: You are a beautiful woman. I'm not surprised you get attention.