Saturday, June 22, 2024

Is there anybody out there?

 Man I can believe that it has been almost two years since I made a post.  A lot has happened in the last two years I'm sure, but I can't really say much other than I post my daily thoughts on FB and never here, as this is pretty much private.  

If there is still anyone that blogs, please give me a shout.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

what has happened to us

 just checking in for my yearly post.  November 2022 and various strains of covid and his buddies are still with us.  I still wear my mask and no one hassles me.  I havent gotten but one booster and havent gotten a flu shot yet. the usa has mass gun murders almost every week and the crazy orange criminal that was president for years got bypassed for another very old, but at least nicer wyt man. people hate non CIS and non wyt. its almost like the apocalypse.  crazy as hell.  if anyone still reads this blog let me know.  see ya in your dreams. 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

 Wow, it’s been a year since I made my last post we are basically going into the third year of the virus and I’m astounded at the division that it has caused. How can a health concern be so politically poisonous. I’m vaccinated, still wear a mask and am hoping, praying and beseeching the universe to give us peace and health.   Enjoy and stay safe my loverlies. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Sept 2020 still wearing a mask and wondering what the world will turn into...

 Yeah, I'm not going to delete my blog. Who knows, maybe someone will find it on the web years after I'm gone and benefit from it.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

it's been two years since my last...

just popping in to say hello. i seldom blog anymore but my presence on social media is known. i'm still at my msn email so if you want you reconnect just drop me a line and i'll send you my info.  Have a great rest of the summer and don't forget to wear your mask!

Saturday, December 8, 2018

First snow since I returned...

anxiously and excitedly awaiting my first snowfall of 2018.

I was in CA for the winter last year and missed all the weather.

I like being here in my cozy new home, decorated for Christmas.

Everyone stay safe and keep your fingers crossed that we have power so everyone can settle in and watch their favorite shows.

Have fun!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Hurricane Florence

Everyone on the east coast is making ready. Stay safe.