Good Day All,
It is a beautiful day. It started out as a rainy day. I am, indeed, a fan of rainy days, even when there are several in a row. The rain is one of those excuses we feel we need, to allow ourselves to stay inside and do what we want to do, instead of what we think we "need" to do. Why do we put so many restrictions on ourselves? You will find that this is one of my main gripes. I hope you wont get bored, hearing me rant about self imposed rules, but I just know I am not the only person who feels guilty over dishes in the sink, or clutter in the garage, or having to step over things to get to your work area. Enough on that...
I am currently drawing a series of whimsical girlie-girls. I am trying to trick my brain into realizing that art doesn't need to look like a photo. That is what the camera is for. I was turned on to a super artist on the web named Suziblu. I love her work and I want to thank Tricia for telling me about her.
That reminds me, this time last week I was getting ready to load up to go to the library to do a demo on polymer clay. I have been playing with clay for about ten years now and was very surprised when my friends in the art group wanted me to talk to them about it. It's one of those things, that you think, if you do it, everyone else must do it also. Anyway, I had a lot of fun doing it and wanted to apologize to all involved for being so scattered in my teaching methods. I kept leaving out crucial bits of information. I feel like I ignored some of my chickie doodle friends (especially during the transfer phase of the meeting) and I am sorry. We are going to do it again next month and I am sure it will be much more organized.
Well, I am off to pursue artistic endeavors and hopefully soon, will be posting pics of my "oh, so lovely" creations.
Till then... TA TA