It's Time For The Party!!!
Five year old Susie is hostess and she is using her very finest china.

Yes, this is the tea set Little Miss Susie had when she was a little girl, the very same one that she left chocolate milk in until, who knows when and... well you probably know the rest of that tale. Today she has set her table with misty pastel colored glass and hand made party favors. Even though she is usually bright and colorful, today she is in a soft and romantic mood.
She invited a sweet and lovely friend

This is Miss Kitty and she cannot decide which china shoes to wear. They had been stored away for many, many years. They are even older than the tea set and since they don't have mates, Miss Kitty thinks she will wear them as a pair of "designer" pumps.
Our party is outside on the veranda and it seems to be getting a bit warm, and as we don't want to get misty, we will lift our cobalt blue glass and offer a toast to Miss Vanessa and say congratulations on her wonderful blog that everyone loves so much and ask her to pop over to our party before it gets too hot and muggy, as it sometimes does in the Sweet, Sweet South this time of year.
So we are toasting you My Dear, in hopes that you will continue to fill our days with color and lovely friends and handsome knights (Mr. Lovey didn't think we would forget him, did he?) and give us joy even when you have troubles... like floods and pulled tendons and such. Please know that we love you and are so glad we are your friends.

Thank you all for coming to our party and no, no, cannot help put away the dishes...

This happy hostess wants to know you had fun and were relaxed and wants you to have a great, great weekend and enjoy your friends and loved ones and give them plenty of hugs and kisses. That's what parties are all about. So until we meet again, I'll wave goodbye as I take in the party things and prepare for the next exciting thing that comes our way. Who knows what it may be, but it will be wonderful because our lives together are always wonderful.
Hugs and kisses to you all!!!