Monday, September 1, 2008

Let's focus

Silly title, I know, but the focus today is focal beads. I make large beads, basically, because I love to wear large beads. They can stand alone, dangling from a simple black cord, perfect with jeans. The same bead can be wrapped in 14 kt gold wire and have you ready for evening. They can be silly and gaze at you while hanging from a branch or they can whisk along swimmingly and make you think of the beach.

I have been making beads and jewelry again, now for several weeks, and I had forgotten how much I love doing it. I took some time off from jewelry to do some other types of art and in the process, learned several techniques that will crossover easily to jewelry making.

Hopefully, soon I will have some new pieces to show that will be of a more industrial, "found object", junk type. I'm getting the urge to combine my clay with some funky metal pieces to see what might happen. I am always looking for ideas, so feel free to suggest things you might like to see made into jewelry. Let's see if I can do it.

One thing I was "reminded" of yesterday...always put your large, heavy, lighted magnifying glass back in the "upright position" after using it. It's on a long arm over my table and I had it down close to my work surface. I swiveled my chair around to pick something up from the floor, came up too quickly and almost knocked myself out. I hit my head so hard that things went dark. It took me about 30 seconds before I could get up and go upstairs and have DH check my poor little head. No blood, thankfully, but I have such a sore spot that I can't brush my hair.

Well I guess that's all I can think of for now. Be sure to take care of yourselves and don't forget about all the folks that have been uprooted from their homes. I feel for them. The uncertainty must be so frustrating. I am very thankful for a place to stay that is safe from the storm. My thoughts and prayers are with those affected.

Keep checking back with me, just because I'm on a jewelry kick now, doesn't mean I won't be doing something completely different next week. If you know me, you know it's true.

Take care and keep doing art!

1 comment:

Pocket Full of Prettys said...

Hey there, I love the monkey & seahorse beads, they are too cute! Hope your head is okay. I hate it when I do something like that! Ouch! Have fun creating! Hugs***Renea