Went to see UP today. I really liked it, but don't want to spoil it for anyone. We saw it in 3-D, so that was cool. If I had seen it as a child, I would have been anxious during several scenes, but kids today are much more savvy than we were at the same age. Can't go wrong with a Pixar movie, so if you want to learn more, click
I'm not sure if I mentioned, but now that I have gotten back to my natural color hair, I'm trying to grow out the length. If you have ever tried this, you know what a hassle it is. My usual trick to avoiding the hassle is shown in this picture. Can you guess what it is?

Let me know what you think it is and I'll respond in my comment section in a couple of days.
In the meantime, here is a shot of a cute guy that visited us this week. My hubby is a musician, singer, and actor and has musician friends and such, and this one let me smooch him on the cheek.

He is just too cute. DH had some neat toys waiting for him, and he is a little ham anyway, so they plopped a rock-n-roll cowboy hat on him and he was happy to pose for me. I made sure to send a goody box of beads and fun stuff back for his sister. Ahh, the joys of other people's kids.
Well, I have been pretty busy with my sculpture and will just show one last picture before the big reveal. Don't be alarmed by this next shot...

I have never done a sculpture using an armature before and I have had such fun. Some might think this was a bit elaborate for a first project, but what I didn't know didn't hurt me. First time with paper clay, also. I like it, although it does take some getting used to. Hopefully in the next few days I can get the front arms attached and start painting.
Well, that's it for now. I hope to not be so long between posts. When this art project is done, I'll have more time. I have even been dreaming about this project. Whew, I'll be glad when it's done, but in a way I will miss it. This may sound silly, but I feel like I have gotten to know this silly little sculpture as I worked on it. Is this how it is with you? Just wondering.
Ok, off to see what else I can get into. Take care and enjoy what is left of hump day.