After staying all day yesterday in my pj's, robe and leg warmers (Hi, Peanut), I woke up this morning to find another few inches of wintry mix. I didn't want to get up and dress, but I knew I had to. I couldn't really figure out what day it was either. I am pretty sure it's New Year's Eve, and that got me to thinking about resolutions and such. I don't usually make resolutions, but this year I am going to try to do several things.
I am going to try to help the hubby feel better. Certain foods cause him gall bladder pain, and he has been using herbal supplements and natural foods to avoid gallbladder surgery. He had done really well all year, then I just about ruined everything with sugary and salty holiday treats. Sorry, Sweetie, I'll get us back on track asap.
The other things that caught my eye this morning were these...

Yep, it's the paint and spackle table where all the
magic happens. Sometimes it takes a lot of product to get that certain look. I've always loved cosmetics and make up and I need to make some changes in how I store things.
...and DH is going to create a custom shelving system in the closet, so I can have somewhere to put my shoes.

I really need to work on my jewelry. I have a friend that has an eleven year old daughter and I was going to borrow her to help me work on the jewelry box. The snow put a damper on them coming earlier to visit, but hopefully when she stops by Saturday, she'll have time to help organize this...

Yep, it's one of those four foot tall craft containers and it is full of jewelry. I emptied it several years ago, taking lots of jewelry to repurpose. I have another full one in my art area. Some of it I don't wear, but I'm quite fond of my collection and while I don't want to just do away with it, I'm fully prepared to let her have some if she wants it. Most of it is older than she is.
Last, but certainly not least, there is a project that drives me crazy and I always forget to do it.

I have so many clothes that need work. I have several blouses that the tags drive me crazy. I love Karen Scott tops, but the tags hurt like all get out. I have tee shirts that I need to cut the necks out of completely, because I can't stand anything touching my throat. I know it's silly but I get a choking sensation from the neckline from a tee shirt, so I "flash dance" them, in that always popular 80's style. I'm not one to usually wear a tee shirt when I'm out and about, but for around the house, a gal's gots to have a tee.
All of these projects bring us back to the title of the post..."Let's get ready to rumble". We know that what ever our projects are, we can't get them done until we hop over the rope and get in the ring. So let's get ready to tackle those chores and projects and pounds to be lost. Let's get in that ring and rumble!
Well, that's it for today. I hope everyone has had a good year, and if not, may next year be better. So to you all, have a truly blessed and Happy New Year.