(Advance apology for the long post)
I guess a lot of you remember the little statues that proclaimed their love with arms flung wide. This little girl reminds me of one of those. She is cutting her eyes at this cute pirate she just met on the
Treasure Ship Cruise for Single Stuffies . The Gentleman Pirate seemed a little lonely, so I created Pinky for company,
since one of the things I had planned on doing while on break was moving my sewing stuff downstairs to my studio, I thought I this would be a good way to get them together.
Her hair is an unusual "plastic-y" yarn that I got in a California yarn shop several years back, that I added lots of plastic pony beads to, and her face was natural muslin, that I "dyed" with my alcohol markers to coordinate with her body fabric. Her face is hand drawn, by your's truly. Being a lover of all things sparklie, I gave her some hair adornments, and beaded eye shadow, as well as a necklace and matching earrings. I haven't quite decided what to do with her arms yet. This is the same pattern that we used at the Altered Art group, so I may exhibit her at our art show this month.
One of the things I found out when I was sewing her, was that my machine needed service. So I took it in today, and they will keep it for a week . I have a really nice sewing/embroidery machine, that I plan on using a lot more. I see all this neat art that folks do with fabrics sewn onto their art. I have never done anything other than make apparel, or the occasional doll or toy, so I am making that one of of new mini goals. I may take some classes to get to know my machine better.
I was initially going to take a longer break from posting, as I felt I had lots to do here at the house. Unfortunately, we had an ice storm the next day, and the power kept going out. It's hard to do housework by candlelight. Cuddling with DH and Baby Milo while we watched movies on the laptop made the power outage worth it, though. Three days have passed and I really haven't gotten anything special done, except make a doll, and put together, and mail, my swap box. So I certainly cannot blame "blogging" for my lack of productivity. I loved reading your blogs, but felt like I was missing something. What was I missing, you might ask? Posting. There I've said it. I love all my new friends, reading their blogs and comments, but it wasn't enough. I missed posting. I may take a day or two off, here and there, but I just couldn't go cold turkey. I will be introducing my Rat on Wednesday, but will have a busy day (haircut and meeting) on Thursday, and Friday I hope to make time to clean up the studio, and get ready for lots of new art.
One of the local florist shop owners approached me about putting some of my art dolls and jewelry in her gift shop. I am thinking about doing that, but I am also thinking about an Etsy shop. I'm not sure what will be best for my art. I can't imagine anyone buying my art, but we will see.

Here is a piece that I did (wow, I can't believe it)
10 years ago and it is still one of my favorite family portraits. I love anything colorful and might incorporate this style into my work again. I did it with artist's acrylics on a 12 x 12 piece of thin Luan plywood. It's easy to handle, sand, etc. It comes in a rather large sheet, DH cut mine to size, but you may be able get it cut at the lumber store, if you don't have those type tools.
Well, I guess that's all for now, I am glad to be back and hope to have new art and fun stories to post soon. Ta, Ta, for now.
p.s. Thanks for the love.