I loved the neat way our friend
Suze dressed up her empty coffee containers, in her Sunday post. (She has a great new profile picture, also.) I thought I would show you what I did, a while back, with soup cans. For some reason, these shots make the cans look short, like a yogurt container, but they are regular sized condensed soup cans. I needed pencil holders, so I washed out the cans and then made sure there were no sharp edges on them. Then I cut scrapbook paper to the size of the can and wrapped it around and glued the edges down to the can. They would not stay down and I didn't have anything handy, but lace to tie them up whilst they dried, and like, wow Dude! I loved the look of the lace tied around the animal print paper, so I left the lace on them. I used the same paper to line the inside of the can, but didn't need to glue it in, just made the paper slightly larger than the can, and it stays in place. I am always using something for something else. I have baggies full of pull tops off of cat food that I am keeping a close watch on. Hmmm... never know what they might end up being.

Anyway, thought you might like to see a quick and easy way to recycle soup cans. I also have a pencil holder made from a cardboard tea cannister. You know, the ones that hold those gourmet round tea bags? I decoupaged it with some roses after painting it a warm cream color. If I can find it, I might post it someday.
Had a chance to work on another doll today. This time I cut a shape from light colored leather, and hand drew her face with my alcohol markers. I sewed it on the body fabric and am now embellishing her with all kinds of beads and buttons. She is much bigger than my pillow babies, more on the same wavelength as the Pirate. I am really pleased with her so far.
Well, better go see if DH is ready to come up from the editing room and watch some TV. All work and no play. . .causes artist's block and we can't have that.
See you soon. Ta, Ta.