Oh my, all my blogger friends have been so prolific in their photos and the beautiful accounts of your lives. Although Baby Milo is sooo cute, it is certainly time for me to post a few comments and some new shots of what we have been doing
As some of you know, my uncle died in Nov. and my husband (dear that he is) has been working on cleaning out the house and getting it ready to sell. My brother and his wife have been working there also, but when you work from home, (as DH and I do) you sometimes feel like you are expected to do a little more. Excuse me, as I am rambling. My point is that the house is cleaned up, cleaned out and ready. DH busted booty yesterday. He is such a hard worker, and he doesn't like to leave any loose ends.

Here is a picture of him loading the books that I am sending to my sister. You can see that we had to rent a industrial size dumpster to hold the massive amounts of things
unusable and unnecessary that had been collected over the years.

This stove has been in use ever since I can remember and it still works. If it were restored, it would be a showpiece. I thought about taking it, but the oven (on the right) is much smaller than I am used to, plus I am not sentimentally attached to it. It does have a deep well pot on the left side, that I have been told is a precursor to the crock pot. There is a burner under the pot, thus leaving the top at the same level as the burners. Supposedly a deluxe feature and somewhat rare.

I did take time to complete a funky piece of art. It is done on a 16 x 24 canvas that I pasted torn papers on in a very random fashion. This is difficult for me. I don't do random. I made my self continue to paste things that "didn't make sense" until I realized I was becoming anxious. I know this is silly. Then I clipped out a piece and pasted it down and, lo and behold, it had the word
uniformity printed on it, so I knew my anxiety about randomness was over. I had achieved the order that I crave with this piece of paper. I am calling it "Blog Words". I jotted down some of my favorite phrases from the blogs that I usually read and pasted them down on the canvas. I will be posting close ups of the wording later. The focal point of this piece is an art doll that I made from very heavy card stock. I finished her last week and just knew she needed some "support"( as we all do from time to time). So
she decided that she wanted to be a part of the blog experience and here she is. Treat her well. She doesn't even have a name yet, but I am sure we can come up with something.
Well, that's all for now, I need to go fix a special lunch for my special, special hubby. Egg sandwiches and chips sound good to me. We'll talk soon. TA, TA.