Also, I have mentioned before that I get great coupons for Jo Ann's and Michaels on line, so here is a quick shot of my purchases today. I prefer not to pay full price for my art books, so 40% off of Michael de Meng's book was quite a good deal. 10% off of all the other items, that were already on sale, made for a good haul .

Also, on another subject completely, I know there must be some of you out there that come up blank sometimes when you want to blog. I can't be the only one. I want to post but I can't really think of anything interesting to say. I am somewhat of a private person, and although I do feel strongly about certain things, I try to stay away from them in a public forum. I don't express my opinions regarding politics or religion, but that doesn't mean I don't keep my eyes open to what is going on. I just don't post about them.
Oh, look at how I just filled up a paragraph with nothing. This feels like the Seinfeld show, a blog about nothing.
One thing that I have been doing lately, is answering questions on Yahoo Answers. It makes you feel like an advice columnist, in a way. Sometimes the questions aren't "real", but you get points for answers, so I answer the silly ones, too. Some of the questions, when they are real, touch your heart. Young folks ask a lot of questions, sometimes asking questions that they are ashamed to ask someone in person. Right now some of them are concerned because they don't know what to do if the hurricane hits their area, things like that.
Some time back, one young guy ask in an obvious panic, what to do about his hair, he had cut it too short and it was almost time for school and what could he do to get it to grow really quickly. It was an obvious plea for comfort, you could feel the pain in his question. I wrote back that I could understand his concern, that I had done the same thing before. I told him how hair only grows about 1/2 " a month and how a good diet of protein, fruit and veggies and plenty of water was important. I suggested a gentle scalp massage each night before bed (this was actually to keep him relaxed, also) and suggested that he get a really rockin' hat and make it his trademark. I also suggested that if it was really bad, maybe to shave his head, but whatever he decided to do, to act like it was done on purpose and to make it his own style.
He marked it "Best Answer" and commented what great advice it was and how much he appreciated my taking his question seriously, and said "Thanks" is all caps.
The only reason I am mentioning this, is not to pat myself on the back, but as a reminder, that often something as simple as a few sentences of support, hope or commiseration can really affect someone's day.
That's all I have today in this silly little non post. We'll talk and please don't forget how much I care about all of you. Take care.